Post-Traumatic Growth: How Might Business Change for the Better?

In the recently published book, Aftershocks and Opportunities 2 – Navigating the Next Horizon from Fast Future Publishing, Richard Freeman, CEO of Always Possible explores how the Covid19 pandemic could become a catalyst for businesses to embrace bigger picture thinking and smarter localized decision-making.

To consider the question, how might business change for the better in the post-pandemic period we considered:

  1.  The enablers and hurdles to British business "thinking big".
  2. The role that collaboration might play in the post-pandemic period and how understanding of collaboration might change.
  3. How “fluid skills” could make a difference in changing business for the better.

Click below to listen to the podcast on YouTube or on the Anchor podcast platform

You can learn more about Richard and his work by contacting and connecting with him as follows:

Twitter: always_possible
LinkedIn: rpfreeman

For information about the book Aftershocks and Opportunities 2 – Navigating the Next Horizon, see the Fast Future website. 

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