The Future of Retirement in the Post-Pandemic Era

Population ageing is a global phenomenon and a well-established trend. Back in 2015, it was estimated that there were 901 million people aged 60 years and over worldwide - 12.3% of the global population. By 2030, it is predicted that this will have increased to 1.4 billion or 16.4% and by 2050, to 2.1 billion or 21.3% of the global population ( 

As the population ages, the ratio of non-workers to workers increases. For example, in the early 2000’s in the UK there were approximately 4 working age individuals (aged 20-64) for every 1 person aged 65 and over. By 2056 this ratio is predicted to fall to about 2:1. So what are the financial, lifestyle, and health implications for retirement in the post-Covid world?

Michael Nuschke is a retirement futurist, writer, speaker, and a contributor to the Fast Future book, Aftershocks and Opportunities 2 - Navigating the Next Horizon.

You can listen to the podcast on YouTube by clicking below, or on the Anchor podcast platform

You can learn more about Michael and his work by connecting with him as follows:

Facebook: RetirementSingularity
LinkedIn: michael-nuschke-b3993b13
Twitter: MichaelN_RS

For information about the book “Aftershocks and Opportunities 2 – Navigating the Next Horizon” see the Fast Future website.

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